- Precautionary infection control measures are taken in all of our branches to ensure the safety of all of our visitors. The latest guidelines for COVID-19 protective measures are followed.
- Disinfection for the different surfaces is done regularly, special disinfection is done for the exam rooms between each patient.
- Personal protective equipment are distributed abundantly among our staff members, with proper training on how to use them.
- Social distancing is encouraged throughout all of our branches. Special marks are done on the floors and chairs to ensure that all visitors follow the instructions.
- Barrier shields are present in all of our reception areas to protect our visitors and staff.
- Alcohol based solutions are distributed in the different areas in all of our branches.
- Different roll ups are present to educate our visitors on the required protection measures.
- WHO posters for the proper hand hygiene steps are present to inform the visitors on the proper way for hand washing and alcohol rubbing for hands disinfection & hygiene.
- Close follow up is done to ensure the understanding and the adherence of the staff to the different instructions for the infection control precautionary measures.